Monday, July 19, 2010

Attila the Hun's ass......

So, I have this friend. We'll call him Steve (cause it's fun too). Steve loves history, he's very passionate about it. It's really quite amazing talking to him about it. He can actually turn boring textbook reading into a "story." If everyone spoke/taught history like the way Steve tells it, history wouldn't be such a boring subject. Anyways, I was talking to Steve earlier today and he was telling me about his new book based on Attila the Hun. After a long conversation, mainly regarding my stupidity as related to history, I was told to read about Attila. I was also told about how interesting it would be.......

So Steve, let me tell you about Attila: I read for hours, and it really confused me. The reading used words such as: brother Bleda, Scythian hordes, Theodosius, and so on and so forth. I was so confused and had such a headache by the time I was done. But wait, could it be? Did I find something interesting in all of this torture? Why yes! Attila died on his wedding night. He drank too much, fell asleep, and got a nosebleed. He actually died choking on his own blood! Isn't it crazy?


  1. After all that awesomness he died because he succumbed to the excess living that he despised about the Romans.

  2. Theodosius= Emperor of the eastern roman empire situated in Constantinople(modern day Turkey)

    Scythian hordes were skilled horsemen from the Eurasian plains. I.E. they fought mainly with bows and arrows on horseback(no saddle btw) and had few if any foot soldiers
