Sunday, July 18, 2010

Throwing up circus peanuts

I'm just wondering if anyone out there, besides myself, eats those heavenly little orange puffs known as circus peanuts. If you've ever eaten one, trust me, you'd remember it. They taste kinda bad, but there's something about them that I just can't resist. Have you ever eaten something and didn't quite know if you liked it? So you tried it again.....Well, I keep trying circus peanuts until eventually the whole bag is gone. And if you would ask me, no, I don't like them even though I've eaten about 20 bags. I guess I just like the way they squish in my mouth. It's a weird texture thing.
For whatever reason, last night, I decided to indulge myself with a bag of circus peanuts. I guess I ate 10 of them or so, and yeah, they were gross, each and every one of them. But again, I couldn't stop myself. About 30 minutes later I was face down in the toilet. I saw circus peanuts like no one has ever seen them before. I would assume that those cloud-like little orange puffs expand twenty times their origional size once they hit your stomach. And with my recent surgery, they didn't settle well. They get all stringy and stretchy once you eat them. Almost like melted taffy. The damn little things were choking me as they came up. It was AWFUL! With all of that being said......I ate a few more this morning. Isn't it crazy?

1 comment:

  1. Hil Kerianne, just to add a somewhat update to thgis, and happy new year, I love those and can eat them without vomiting.:-) Steve
